
Our NGO Lô-Bâ International is working on an emergency plan responding to the needs of the population. We are conducting need assessments and awareness raising activities. Most of these actions are conducted by women in Central African Republic and Chad.
We are providing water points with soap, hand sanitizer, and masks for the population. We are developing I-Technology to react and respond quickly to the epidemic.
We work primarily with girls and women who have unequal access to important resources like school, health, land, and jobs. Women and girls also end up being the most vulnerable when crises like war, health epidemics, and natural disasters strike.
All our actions will take place with women leadership, as our goal is to develop their autonomy.
  • iHealth technology to be accessible to everyone. 
  • Develop dry toilets in most of the public areas.
  • Prevent nosocomial infections in hospitals and health centers.
  • Create school health centers in isolated areas.
  • Community health centers: pre-natal consultation, gerontology services, physiotherapy, etc.
  • Develop occupational health care
Lô-Ba is developing solutions to fight any disease and improve the health of the population. The message is clear: solutions to Africa's health problems are within our reach. However, these solutions can only be found by strengthening government's role in health sector and building on lessons learned from successful health interventions, as well as on closer collaboration between all partners.
Hygiene and infection prevention are essential in hospitals and health centers. Microorganisms and microbes can have devastating consequences. These are critical factors on which many lives depend. In first level hospitals there is regular breakage of consumables such as gloves, bleach, soap. In addition, there is a lack of hygiene practices by health professionals and a lack of knowledge about the risks and ways to prevent these risks during care.  
Only 63.16% of health professionals wear both a work suit, which is clean and fit for the job. 
This finding raises a reflection on an awareness to generate and accompany with health professionals and managers to enter the culture of the fight against infections associated with care.


Lô-Bâ aim is to increase the food production of women in order to contribute to their self-sufficiency, augment revenues and create employment opportunities.  Our model starts from the primary sector of agriculture, to feed into a second sector, and the third to distribute, manage and administer the production and transform the fields.
We are working mostly with girls and woman who have unequal access to important resources like school, lands, jobs. Woman and girls also end up being some of the most vulnerable when crises like war and natural disaster strike happen.
Lô-Ba International will give fewer skills and tools at their disposal through sustainable agriculture and education to improve their social and economic situation. Our programs include helping women and girls access education, vocational skills and livelihood assets, like livestock, tools and agricultural training, so they’re able to support themselves and contribute to their families and their community.                         
In 2018 Lô-Ba international obtained the authorizations from Central African Republic government to do the mission.
We started our mission in Central African Republic, we have 2  fields in Sekia.
Sekia is located in Ombella M'Poko, an area 10 miles away from Bangui (Central African Republic Capital).
The overall Target of NGO Lô-Ba in Sékia is contributing to the action of the authorities to create a participatory and self-sufficient development at rural and local level. Our main activity is to ensure greater participation of women and girls, both participants and beneficiaries of development initiatives.
The achievement of the overall target comes through the implementation of the following specific objectives in Sékia area:
-Enable rural women in the Sekia area to grow their own produce and income-generating goods and also enable better access to services. We will provide machines and workshops to increase the food production to help families live a better life style.
  • Help women and girls to set up loan  and consultancy services to finance and support the activities carried out by women's working groups.
  • Provide social infrastructures such as day care, nurseries and water boreholes.
  • Provide women with basic training in literacy, health, nutrition, family planning and, in particular, environmental awareness to deal with forest fires in other areas related to demography and development.


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Quisque ut pulvinar velit. Donec pretium nunc vel nunc faucibus, et fermentum nisl ultrices. Phasellus in imperdiet quam. Donec suscipit dignissim orci, in molestie lectus suscipit at. Fusce mi neque, venenatis quis semper ac, dictum nec sapien. Praesent sit amet sapien viverra lacus maximus pharetra. Vivamus vehicula convallis libero et aliquam. Sed facilisis cursus lacus, nec scelerisque metus auctor non. Praesent maximus vehicula elit id sollicitudin. Maecenas pellentesque sollicitudin pretium. Nulla diam neque, laoreet ac rutrum sed, dapibus ut est. Proin in malesuada lacus, ut commodo neque. Aenean sagittis tincidunt semper.